
This report presents site trends based on the data gathered by the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS). Only species with sufficient data at Charleville Lagoons (site code 0L003) are presented.

This report is part of the I-WeBS National and Site Trends Report 1994/95 – 2019/20.

For guidance on how to interpret these trends, please see the I-WeBS Trends Report Guidance.

For details on the methods used to generate these trends, please see the I-WeBS Trends Report Methodology.

Site Summary

Trend (%)
Species Charleville Lagoons - 5 Year Charleville Lagoons - 12 Year Charleville Lagoons - 23 Year Long Term Trend
Curlew 95.9 74.5 -54.3 Large Decline
Dunlin 16.5 -4.0 -46.4 Moderate Decline
Shoveler 20.2 -13.7 -19.5 Intermediate Decline
Mallard 20.4 0.9 -2.6
Teal 72.1 60.3 4.5 Stable or Increasing
Tufted Duck -35.5 -28.1 15.0
Lapwing 46.5 33.3 15.6
Wigeon -4.9 -41.4 45.0
Golden Plover 51.3 -35.0 11400.0

Species Analysis





Tufted Duck

Golden Plover





Please cite this work as follows:

Kennedy, J., Burke, B., Fitzgerald, N., Kelly, S.B.A., Walsh, A.J. & Lewis, L.J. 2023. Irish Wetland Bird Survey: I-WeBS National and Site Trends Report 1994/95 – 2019/20. BirdWatch Ireland Waterbird Report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. BirdWatch Ireland, Wicklow. (