I’ve found a sick or injured bird: what should I do?

If you find a bird that is sick or injured, it is important to be aware that BirdWatch Ireland is not a rehabilitation organisation and so, can only offer advice in such circumstances. You will need to contact a licenced wildlife rehabilitator for further assistance. You can find a list of rehabilitators around Ireland on the Irish Wildlife Matters Website.

If you discover a dead wild seabird, waterfowl or bird of prey, it may have been a victim of Avian Flu. Suspected cases of Avian Flu can be reported to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Marine via the Avian Check Wild Bird Application or by calling the Avian Influenza Helpline Number (076) 1064403 or 1850 2000456. It is important that any potential cases of Avian Influenza are investigated and documented appropriately in order to monitor the spread of the virus.

Owing to the ongoing risk of Avian Flu, members of the public are advised not to touch sick or dead wild birds or feathers, and to keep their pets away from them.