
Check out upcoming Events in your area. Use the search function below to find events close to you.

For Branch contact details see Local Branches under Our Work


A Visit to Clahane, Liscannor, The Inagh River Estuary and Lahinch.

************************************ Saturday 9th November 2024 ********************************* Join our Clare branch for an outing to Clahane, Liscannor, The Inagh River Estuary and Lahinch! We hope to see a wide variety of…


Outing to Loop Head and Kilbaha

************************************* Saturday 5th October 2024 ********************************** Join our Clare branch along with our Limerick branch for an outing to Loop Head and Kilbaha to look for rare and scarce migrants….


A joint outing to The Shannon Estuary

************************************ Saturday September 21st 2024 ******************************* Our Limerick branch along with our Clare branch invite you to join them for a joint branch outing to sites along the Shannon Estuary…


Nature walk along Errina Canal to Black Bridge

**************************************** Saturday 20th July 2024 ********************************* Our Limerick branch invite you to join them for a nature walk along Errina Canal to Black Bridge, University of Limerick with leader Pete…


Outing to Howth

************************************** Saturday 22nd June 2024 ********************************** Our Tolka branch are organising a visit to Howth. A walk to Balscadden and Cliff Walk or possibly a boat trip. **If latter, numbers…


The Enigmatic Red Grouse

*************************************** Thursday June 13th 2024 ********************************* Our Kildare branch invite you to join them for an evening discussing “The Enigmatic Red Grouse” For contact: Find us on Facebook (@bwikildare) –…


Outing to Aughris Head

**************************************** Sunday June 9th 2024 *********************************** Aughris Head is located in a rural area in southern Silgo Bay. To the west, the path leads along the coast to a sacred…


A Walk in Tramore Valley Park

************************************** Sunday 9th June 2024 ************************************ Our Cork branch invite you to join them for a visit to Tramore Valley Park to see butterflies and more. This outing is led…


An Outing to Kilcoole

**************************************** Sunday 9th June 2024 ******************************** Our South Dublin branch invite you to join them for an outing to Kilcoole, Co Wicklow. For contact: Mary Daly (sec) 086 1586 330,

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