Bat Walk

June 18, 2019
Date August 7, 2019
Time 9:00 pm
Location Phoenix Park Dublin 8
Accessibility Parking at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre Car Park

In collaboration with the OPW Phoenix Park Visitor Centre Join our team for a short walk to observe a badger sett, Bats and other nocturnal wildlife.

Join us for a short talk on Bat ecology followed by a walk to observe them feeding nearby.

Important features of bat biodiversity within the Phoenix Park include:

  • Six of the ten bat species found in Ireland are present in the park including species of Pipistrelle not previously recorded in Dublin City. Natterers’ and Whiskered Bats are also present.
  • Evidence for large roosts at several locations (chimney in St Mary’s Hospital Complex, Ordnance Survey Ireland, west of Dublin Zoo).
  • ***To book Phoenix Park events call the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on: (01) 677 0095***