Nature’s Secret Adventures by Shane Casey


Suitable for Dyslexic readers 6yrs +

This book contains 3 stories, – “The Amazing Tale of Sheridan”, “Orla’s Big Day” and “The Fairy’s Foxtrot”


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A wonderful new addition to our stock.  This book is suitable for Dyslexic readers.  Age group 6+

This book contains 3 stories, – “The Amazing Tale of Sheridan”, “Orla’s Big Day” and “The Fairy’s Foxtrot”

“Sheridan is an ordinary little Pygmy Shrew, living in an ordinary little garden, and minding his own business. Then, one day, danger arrives in the form of a big tom cat called Terry. Find out what happens when Terry threatens Cheryl, the Pygmy Shrew of Sheridan’s dreams.”

“It is Orla’s first day at school and she is very nervous. However, Orla’s nerves quickly disappear when she meets the other little creatures in her class. There is Milly, the little duckling, Simon, the young Salmon and a dozen tiny tadpoles, who all have very big dreams. Find out what they would be like to be when they grow up!”

“Discover the oldest legend in the world. It’s about two Mayflies called Mervin and Maria, who live at the bottom of a river bed. Then one day, they get an uncontrollable urge to swim to the surface, where they discover a whole new world. But, in the confusion, they become separated. Will they find each other again at the Fairy’s Foxtrot?”