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Aspiring to the highest standards


Our Board

Overseeing the governance of BirdWatch Ireland

Board Committees

The role of the Governance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibility to BirdWatch Ireland to provide good corporate governance.

Due to the current small size of the Board, it is not practicable to have separate committees and they have been subsumed into the Board for the time being.

Governance Committee

The duties of the Governance Committee include overseeing implementation of The Governance Code

Governance Committee

The Terms of Reference for the Governance Committee are as follows:

  • Ensure that there is in place, a set of corporate governance principles, policies and standards and that these are transparent and available in the public domain.
  • Ensure that current governance practices are adequate and based on best practice.
  • Ensure that all governance procedures comply with law and public policy.
    Ensure that governance procedures are regularly reviewed.
  • Recommend to the Board for adoption, any new governance principles, policies and standards as may be required from time to time.
  • Consider and make recommendations for changes to the governance principles, policies, standards and practices.
  • Consider any breaches of good governance and make recommendations on their resolution.

Audit & Risk Committee

The duties of the Audit & Risk Committee include independently meeting with the Auditor before the finalisation of accounts.

Audit & Risk Committee

The duties of the committee are:

  • Monitor and review the accuracy of the financial statements of the organisation; announcements about the organisation’s financial performance and financial controls
  • Monitor and review control/risk management systems
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of the organisation’s internal audit role
  • Monitor and review the external auditor’s independence and the effectiveness of the audit process
  • Monitor and review the arrangements by which staff of the organisation may, in confidence, raise concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters.
  • Monitor register of property and other assets.
  • Approve the terms of engagement of the external auditor.
  • Make recommendations to the Board about the appointment, pay and conditions of the external auditor.
  • Prepare an Annual Risk Assessment for the organisation and report recommendations and corrective actions for approval by the Board.

BirdWatch Ireland

BirdWatch Ireland is a Registered Charity: CHY 5703 / CRA 20008963
Irish Wildbird Conservancy (trading as BirdWatch Ireland) : CRO No. 116468
BirdWatch Ireland Retail & Services : CRO No. 543457
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