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Snowy Owl

Irish Name: Ulchabhán sneachtúil
Scientific name: Bubo scandiaca
Bird Family: Owls
Conservation status


A rare winter visitor to bogs in western Ireland.


A very large owl, about the same size as Raven. Very distinctive, being almost all white in all plumages. Adult males are pure white, whereas adult female Snowy Owls are white with extensive black barring on the wings and body. Sub-adult birds have very dense black barring, appearing almost all dark with a white head.


Generally silent when seen in Ireland. Display includes a quiet series of hoots given in flight.


Hunts various small to medium-sized mammals (mainly rabbits) and birds.


Does not breed in Ireland. The majority of the European population breeds in Scandinavia and Russia.


Rare winter visitor, mainly to western counties such as Mayo. Most often seen roosting during the day on bogs. Some sightings may possibly relate to escaped cage birds, as this species is common captivity.

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