Help us to fight for Ireland’s most threatened birds and their habitats

Restoring Farmland Biodiversity Appeal

€25,544 of €40,000 raised

Those bird species that depend on farmland for their survival are among the most threatened in all of Ireland. Formerly abundant species, such as Skylark, Corncrake, Curlew, Yellowhammer, Twite, Barn Owl, Whinchat and Lapwing, are declining fast, and in some cases are now completely absent from vast swathes of land that were once firm strongholds. Even some common birds, such as Kestrel, are showing significant declines.

Our countryside now lacks so much of the wildlife it once supported. For example, when is the last time you had to wipe the insects from your windscreen after a drive in the countryside? Agricultural intensification, hedgerow destruction, climate change, the devastation of insect populations due to overuse of pesticides– all are playing a role in the disappearance of our farmland birds and biodiversity.

BirdWatch Ireland is fighting hard to reverse these declines. Key to this is the need to help ensure farmers and landowners are properly supported to restore and protect agricultural ecosystems. Financial support for much more of the wildlife-friendly farming practiced by many farmers is sorely lacking. This does not require more new money, just a switch to substantially increasing the proportion of existing money to support more sustainable farming.

This is a complex policy issue, but the heart of the problem is simple – current agriculture policy is continuing to fail Irish wildlife – and we are determined to change this! Future generations cannot be deprived of a countryside without the sound of Curlews and Skylarks. It is too late for the Corn Bunting, which has now gone from Ireland forever, but it is not too late for our other farmland birds and biodiversity.

We need to keep fighting to save Ireland’s threatened bird species on your behalf . . . but we can’t do it without your support. That’s why we are asking you, please, to contribute what you can to our Restoring Farmland Biodiversity Appeal. All funds raised will go to furthering our work to conserve and protect some of Ireland’s most endangered species and their habitats.

Please note that if you happen to be an Irish PAYE worker, we can also claim back tax on your donations of €250 or more.

Many thanks for your support!

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Donation Total: €250.00 One Time