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BirdWatch Ireland AGM 2020

August 19, 2020
Date September 26, 2020
Time 2:00 pm
Location Online Only

******************************** Saturday,  September 26th  (Online Only) **********************************

Irish Wildbird Conservancy – Annual General Meeting 2020

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Irish Wildbird Conservancy (the “Company”) will be held at 2.00pm sharp on Saturday, September 26th.  Due to current Government Covid-19 restrictions that apply to the Dublin area, the meeting will be held online only.  Holding the AGM in this manner, and notifying the members accordingly, is permitted under the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act 2020.

Details of how members can access the meeting are outlined below.

In accordance with Articles 15 and 16 of the Company’s Articles of Association, Jim Fitzharris falls to retire as a Director of the Company at this AGM.  In accordance with Article 18, Gerry Lyons falls to retire as Chairperson and a Director of the Company.

The Board wishes to nominate Brian Kelly of County Sligo as a Director of the Company.  The number of nominations for the Board is less than the number of vacancies on the Board.

In accordance with Article 7(c) of the Company’s Articles of Association, any Member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy.  That proxy need not be a Member. The procedure for Voting by Proxy is laid out in Article 13 of the Company’s Articles of Association.  Proxy votes in respect of the 2020 AGM must be received at the registered office of the Company by 2.00pm on Thursday, September 22nd.

To obtain a copy of the Annual Report, the financial statements for the year ended December 31st 2019, Minutes of the 2019 AGM and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, including the Form of Proxy for the AGM, click on the link below.


The agenda is as follows:

  1. To consider the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on June 15th 2019.
  2. To review the Annual Report of the Board for the year ended December 31st 2019.
  3. To consider the financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31st 2019,together with the reports of the directors and the statutory auditor thereon.
  4. To authorise the Board to fix the remuneration of the statutory auditor.
  5. To elect the new Director.
  6. To receive reports from the Branches.
  7. To transact any other business as may be transacted at an annual general meeting.

Members will have the opportunity to participate fully during the online meeting. In addition, members can email questions to before 5:00pm on Thursday 24th September.  Please use the subject line “AGM Question”.  Only emails from people present at the meeting will be considered.  The Board may group similar questions to facilitate the order of business.

By order of the Board
Gerry Lyons
BirdWatch Ireland
Unit 20, Block D
Bullford Business Campus
Kilcoole, Co Wicklow

July 21st, 2020



Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Irish Wildbird Conservancy (the “Company”) 2.00pm sharp on Saturday, September 26th

To facilitate registration of attendees the online meeting link will be open from 1.30pm on Saturday, September 26th.

Please review the following carefully before accessing the AGM meeting link below:

  • We are using a professional online meeting service called “GoToMeeting” (not Zoom). We have licenced this software to facilitate the anticipated number of attendees and have successfully used GoToMeeting in house for a number of years.
  • Only paid up members of the Company are entitled to attend the online AGM. Therefore, you will be asked to identify yourself when you join the meeting.  Please be patient as, depending on the number of attendees, this might take some time.
  • When prompted, please ensure that your camera and microphone are working and enter your full name and location, e.g. Mary Murphy (Wexford).
  • In order to avoid excessive background noise from a large number of attendees, please ensure that your microphone is set to ‘Mute’ (Red) when you join the meeting.
  • If you wish to ask a question, please raise your hand or enable your microphone and wait to be given the opportunity to speak. Note: A red coloured microphone indicates that the microphone is off and a green one indicates that it is on.
  • Please download and review all relevant AGM documents in advance from this link.
  • Details are provided for a telephone link for members who do not have access to the internet. The call tariffs incurred must be borne by the member and are subject to the National Rates charged by your telephone provider.  Please note that on a telephone link it is not possible to mute and un-mute the microphone and attending the meeting via the internet link using a computer or smart phone is preferable.
  • Members will have the opportunity to fully participate during the online meeting. In addition, members can email questions to before 5:00pm on Thursday 24th September 2020. Please use the subject line “AGM Question”.  Only emails from people present at the meeting will be considered. The Board may group similar questions to facilitate the order of business.
  • Finally, please bear with us. This is the first time we have conducted our AGM online so some technical issues are inevitable.

The meeting link will is below:

You can also dial in using your phone.
Ireland: +353 15 360 728

Access Code: 174-796-261


Last Updated : 23/09/2020