Chasing Ireland`s Butterflies

February 28, 2020
Date May 12, 2020
Time 8:00 pm
Location The Glenview Hotel, County Wicklow.
Accessibility Fully accessable

***** Due to Covid-19 this event has been cancelled *****

*************************************** Tuesday 12th May 2020 ***********************************

Join our Wicklow branch for an evening with Gillian Stewart, Wicklow mountains National Park and NPWS representative. Gillian will discuss Irelands Butterflies; the natural history of Irelands butterflies and a quest to see and photograph all 35 species.

Butterflies are important in dictators of biodiversity and they can be used to monitor the health of ecosystems and the impact of land management. Being insects with mostly short generation times, their populations react quickly (positively or negatively) in response to alterations in their environment and so they have great potential for monitoring change. In Europe, many butterflies declined severely in range and population in the 20th century. This downward trend is still continuing as shown by the recent European Red List of Butterflies which determined that a third of butterflies had declined during the first decade of the 21st century.