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Dalkey Island Webinar

July 28, 2021
Date August 18, 2021
Time 7:00 pm
Location Online Webinar via Zoom
Accessibility All Welcome

*************************************** Wednesday 18th August ****************************************

Situated off the coast of south Dublin, Dalkey Island is an important breeding site for Terns. Common,  Artic and Roseate Terns have all bred on the Dalkey islands. The talk will be delivered by Tara Adcock who will discuss the Tern colony and other wildlife on the island and around the harbour. Also the history and ecology of the islands. The 2021 season will be wrapping up soon and these tiny seabirds will begin the long and arduous journey south for the winter. Common Terns migrate as far as south-western Africa, while Arctic Terns will fly all the way to Antarctica.

Tara is a Conservation Support Fieldworker on both the Dublin Bay Birds Project and on the EU Life Roseate Tern Recovery project on Dalkey Island, where she works as a warden. This projects involve a variety of elements including Tern monitoring, waterbird censusing, predator control and monitoring, and public engagement.

Dalkey Tern Conservation Project is an EU LIFE Roseate Tern Recovery Project with funding and support from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. This talk is part of our Birds Connect project, kindly funded by The Community Foundation for Ireland.

Date: Wednesday 18 August at 7 PM

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