How can I learn to identify the species in my garden?

With some practice, you can learn to identify the species that you see in your local area. It is never too late to start!

Picking up a current and well-illustrated bird book is always a great first step. You will find a wide selection in the BirdWatch Ireland shop. Leave it by a windowsill or bring it with you on your daily walks and use it to help you match what you see to an image.

While obtaining a good quality bird book is very beneficial when it comes to getting to grips with bird identification, it is not the be all and end all. There are many species that look similar to one another and that is where things become tricky.  However, by noting a few things about the mystery species, you should be able to whittle down the options.

Ask yourself some of the following questions:

What size and shape is the bird?

What colour is the bird and does it have any distinctive markings?

What kind of behaviour is the bird exhibiting?

What kind of habitat is this bird in?

What time of the year is it?

What does this bird sound like?

Where in the country did you see this bird?

There are a number of ways that BirdWatch Ireland works to teach people about bird identification. By taking part in BirdWatch Ireland events, signing up for surveys such as our Irish Garden Bird Survey and becoming a member, we can help you to build up your knowledge. You can also email us at with photos and/ or a description of your bird sightings for assistance with identification.