I’ve found an abandoned baby bird: what should I do?

It’s actually quite normal for young birds to leave their nests before they are able to fly, and their parents continue to look after them and feed them. If the chick is well-feathered, alert and appears to be uninjured, it is most likely fine and does not require any help. We would recommend putting it back where you found it as soon as possible, so that its parents can continue to care for it.

If the chick is still blind and helpless, if at all possible we would recommend that you place it back into its nest as soon as possible. Its parents will continue to look after it, and this will give it the very best survival chance possible.

If it is not possible to return the chick to its nest, it will need specialist care. We would recommend contacting one of the excellent wildlife rehabilitators listed at the Irish Wildlife Matters website here.

For more information about what to do and how and when to help, please click here.