It is illegal to photograph or disturb a bird on or near their nest without first obtaining a licence from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS). While the discovery of a bird’s nest can be exciting, it is important to remember that getting too close could put the eggs or chicks within it in jeopardy.
Getting too close to a nest could cause the adult bird to flee, leaving eggs and chicks that are in need of warmth exposed to the elements, as well as leaving chicks without food from the adult. Chicks left in the nest will also see humans as predators and may attempt to leave the nest too early. Causing chicks to fledge too early greatly reduces their chance of survival.
Even if an adult bird does not leave the nest when you approach it, it can still be a very stressful experience for them. Studies show that birds who remain on the nest like this have greatly elevated heart rates for several hours afterwards.
Finally, approaching a nest may give away its location to other potential predators such as cats and foxes.
You can still enjoy watching nesting birds by observing from a distance. Nestbox cameras provide the best of both worlds and are perfectly safe and legal if they’re installed early in the year before birds starting nesting in them.