Trichomoniasis is the condition caused by Trichomonas gallinae – a protozoan (unicellular) parasite. This parasite has been around for a long time – causing ‘canker’ in pigeons and doves, ‘frounce’ in birds of prey, and is even thought to have been a problem for the dinosaurs.
In recent years it has been seen to cause disease in finches – mostly Greenfinch, Chaffinch and Goldfinch. It has been speculated that the increase in the number of pigeons in gardens brought them into closer proximity with finches than they otherwise would have, providing the opportunity for the parasite to transfer and adapt to a new host (i.e. finches). Following initial reports from the UK in 2005, it has established itself in finch populations across Ireland and many European countries. There is no practical treatment for wild birds with trichomoniasis and it nearly always proves fatal within a couple of weeks.
There is no risk to humans, though we always recommend washing your hands after handling and cleaning feeders.