We tend to get this query quite a lot, but it’s nothing to worry about! At this time of the year, a lot of species have finished nesting and can travel widely as they’re not restricted to the nest site. There is also an abundance of natural food available at the moment – loads of invertebrates of all sorts, and many plants going to seed etc too. And finally, this is the time of year that a lot of species begin their annual moult. Birds tend to keep a low profile during the moult. So for all of these reasons, there’s nothing to worry about regarding the lack of birds in your garden – they’re just exploring and utilising the wider countryside at the moment. Our own staff around the country have noticed their gardens going similarly ‘quiet’ in recent weeks, and a lot of the common garden bird species in moult. Rest assured that your birds will return gradually in the coming weeks and months. If you’re feeding your garden birds, there’s no harm in reducing the number of feeders you put out until you start to notice the increased demand again!