Celtic Tree Calendar Wheel


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SKU: 32039 Categories: , ,

******* The “Small Wooden Stand” is not included *******


A stunning calendar print of an original pen drawing by artist Emily Robyn Archer (Native Circles Art) on high-quality recycled paper mounted onto a circular Birchwood board.

This wheel is for the tree-lovers; those who want to learn from the trees as they change throughout the year.

The Celtic Tree Calendar shows the changes of the year through trees, not months. This calendar follows a lunar cycle (28 days per cycle). That means there are 13 trees total, differing from the 12 months of a Roman calendar.

Our Celtic ancestors revered trees as sacred. Trees were so important to our Celtic ancestors that the word for “knowledge” also means “wood.” These sacred groves were also necessary for survival. The Celtic people relied on them for shelter, tools and food. They marked their year with the changing gifts the trees provided.

Today, it’s more important than ever to protect our native trees and their many gifts. This piece invites you to treasure your trees. Use this Celtic tree calendar to allow the trees to guide you through a year.

*This wheel is compatible with the Small Wooden Stand by Native Circles Art*