Nature’s Hidden Adventures by Shane Casey


A wonderful new addition to our stock.  This book is suitable for Dyslexic readers.  Age group 6+

This book contains 3 stories; “The Tale of Two Hedgehogs”, “Senan’s Story” and “The Life of Bombus Reilly”

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A wonderful new addition to our stock.  This book is suitable for Dyslexic readers.  Age group 6+

This book contains 3 stories; “The Tale of Two Hedgehogs”, “Senan’s Story” and “The Life of Bombus Reilly”

“Like all Hedgehogs, Hazel and Roland are solitary animals, but each night when they have finished nosing through the undergrowth in search of their tea, they always make sure to meet up. However, as the Summer fades away to Autumn, Hazel and Roland both know they will have to find somewhere to hibernate. But where?”

“Swifts are born to fly, but whenever Senan looks over the edge of his nest and sees the hard ground below, he gets scared. And time is not on Senan’s side, as he will soon have to migrate along with all the other Swifts. Can anyone help Senan to overcome his fears and take his first flight?”

“Bombus is not like other Bumblebees. She rarely appears to be very busy. In fact she seems to spend most of her time talking to the flowers instead of gathering nectar! So what happens when all the other worker Bees go to Queen Hannah to complain? Will anyone stand up for Bombus?”