Nature’s Marvellous Adventures by Shane Casey


Suitable for Dyslexic readers.  Age 6+

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A wonderful new addition to our stock.  This book is suitable for Dyslexic readers.  Age group 6+

This book contains three stories ” Mother Knows Best”, “A Salmon’s Tale” and “The Bird with the Big Beak”

“Mother seals are only with their pups for a short few weeks and must teach them to fish if they are to survive on their own. Celina is doing her best, but Samuel isn’t listening. Samuel is too distracted by the Bull Seals who chase the biggest and fastest fish. Can Celina teach him to fish before time runs out?”

“Not every Salmon leaves the safety of their river, but Simon longed for adventure and dreamed about swimming across the broad Atlantic Ocean. Far from home, he meets all manner of sea creatures and explores every nook, cranny and shipwreck of the ocean. But then he remembers the promise he made to Sally…”

“Kirsty had just caught her third juicy Lug-worm in a row. When she noticed all the other birds in the estuary staring at her. Curlews are renowned for the size of their beak, but that was no reason for everyone else to stare. Kirsty was beginning to feel a little self-conscious, but then she realised something…”