Reed Warbler
Irish Name: | Ceolaire giolcaí |
Scientific name: | Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
Bird Family: | Warblers |
Conservation status
Conservation status
Summer visitor to large reedbeds in southern and eastern Ireland from late April to September.
A typical small warbler, about the same size as a Robin. Ages and sexes appear virtually similar. A rather non-descript bird, being a pale brown colour all-over, with the undersides slightly paler. Has a very faint supercilium. Blends in well in preferred habitat of dense reedbeds and difficult to see when not singing.
The main call is a quiet “check”. The song is similar to that of the Sedge Warbler, but is not as excited and variable. A typical phrase would be: “tru-tru-tru-swee-swee-tiri-tiri-tiri”. The song will usually be delivered while perched on the top of a reed.
Feeds almost exclusively on insects and other invertebrates.
Reed Warblers breed in large areas of reedbeds in south and east of Ireland.
Winters in central and southern Africa.