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An Outing to The East Coast Nature Reserve

March 15, 2023
Date April 15, 2023
Location East Coast Nature Reserve

************************************** Saturday 15th April 2023 ***********************************

Join our Kilkenny branch for a trip to the East Coast Nature Reserve in Newcastle, Co Wicklow

Officially opened in 2009, the East Coast Nature Reserve is our largest reserve covering 92ha. It forms part of the extensive Murrough Wetlands, an important coastal wetland complex which is designated as a Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation. Originally, the grasslands were intensively farmed, with tree-lined watercourses and a conifer plantation growing within the fen. Now, following management through an EU LIFE project between 2003 and 2007, the reserve offers a variety of habitats, from rare fen to wet grasslands to birch woodland, which can all be explored on foot through marked walking trails and observation hides.

For details of this trip please Contact Mary or Pat Durkin on 056 776 2130 or

Richard Dwyer (sec)