Survey shows huge public support for Nature Restoration Law in opposing Member States

May 22, 2024

The opposition of six Member States to the Nature Restoration Law is in stark contrast to public opinion in these countries, according to a new poll.

A poll conducted by independent research agency Savanta across Poland, Finland, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands and Hungary in May showed that 75% of citizens are in favour of the legislation. The Nature Restoration Law (NRL) received the biggest support in Italy with 85% of citizens backing it, followed by Hungary with 83%, and Poland with 72%. Only 6% of those surveyed disagreed that the law should be adopted. The full results can be accessed here.

This poll illustrates that, despite political disagreements around the legislation which have left it at a deadlock since March, the vast majority of citizens understand the urgent need to give legal footing to nature restoration. Doing so, and following up this legislation with appropriate management, will benefit both nature and the human society that is intertwined with it.

While Ireland is behind the Nature Restoration Law, this alone is not enough, particularly for the many migratory species that grace our shores for a portion of the year. Birds don’t know borders. Ireland hosts many species that, during other times of the year, rely on other countries in Europe as breeding, wintering or stopover locations. If we want to prevent further declines of these species, it is vital that we exercise joined-up thinking and adopt a shared commitment to nature restoration across Europe.

Head of Advocacy at BirdWatch Ireland Oonagh Duggan said: “These results show how some Member States are playing with fire and ignoring the concerns of their citizens. Climate change is happening in front of our eyes and much of our biodiversity is really struggling. Nature restoration must be a pan European activity with all countries on board. It is critical for migratory birds including waterbirds. Irish wintering waterbird populations have suffered a 40% decline in 20 years. Several Irish waterbird species and terns stop off on migration to feed and rest in the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden before continuing on to breeding grounds. Protecting and restoring wetlands and marine areas is absolutely essential for the survival of these birds.”

The #RestoreNature coalition, consisting of BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, EEB and WWF EU, said: “These results prove that some Member States ignore citizens’ concern for nature. Despite 75% of the Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Swedish populations supporting the Nature Restoration Law, their governments continue to deny them the benefits of nature restoration, including protection from extreme weather events, improved health and well-being, and long-term financial gains. These numbers confirm how crucial it is for the EU to adopt the law and should be a wake-up call for governments not supporting this vital, citizens-backed legislation. No one wins when our nature is deteriorating while everyone can win when we let nature bounce back.”

This poll follows on from an initiative spearheaded by Ireland urging non-supportive and abstaining countries to get behind the crucial Nature Restoration Law. A group of 11 Member States in support of the Nature Restoration Law including Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Lithuania and Slovenia has taken the initiative to send a letter to these countries with the clear message to support the Nature Restoration Law at the upcoming Environment Council meeting on June 17th.