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The International Seabird Group Conference will be held in University College Cork from 22nd – 25th August.

For those attending, Birdwatch Ireland and Fair Seas will be running a workshop at the conference on ‘What does effective management in Marine Protected Areas look like for Ireland’s seabirds?’. Workshop participants will be asked what they want to see in the management of Marine Protected Areas in Irish waters and how effective management should be achieved for Ireland’s seabird populations.

Workshop details: What does effective management in Marine Protected Areas look like for Ireland’s seabirds?
Date: Monday, 22nd August 2022
Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Location: University College Cork (Room TBC)

You can register for this event by emailing (Please note you must be registered for the International Seabird Group Conference to attend this workshop). For those not attending the conference, you can catch up on our UN Ocean Conference webinar recording to learn more about the Fair Seas report ‘Revitalising Our Seas – Identifying Areas of Interest for Marine Protected Area Designation in Irish Waters’.