Garden Birds

Our gardens are a haven for wildlife

Here you will find all kinds of useful information to help you identify your garden birds and help make your garden more friendly to birds and biodiversity.

Our Gardens

Our gardens are a haven for wildlife throughout the year. In winter, a variety of bird species are attracted to feeders and bird tables and can be watched from the comfort of our own homes. During the spring and summer, as well as availing of the food you put out, many birds will nest in nestboxes, trees, shrubs and even garden sheds. See below for more information on Ireland’s garden birds, how you can give them a helping hand throughout the year, and even contribute to their monitoring through the Irish Garden Bird Survey each winter.

Feeding garden birds

By putting out food for birds in your garden you can give them a helping hand when they need it most. See here for details on the advantages and disadvantages of various bird foods, and other helpful tips and tricks to attract birds into your garden.

Gardening for birds

The most sustainable way to make your garden bird and wildlife friendly is to plant trees and shrubs that will provide natural food, shelter and nesting space at different times of the year. You can also go the extra mile by introducing suitable habitat like a small wildlife pond to your garden. See here for further information on making your garden wildlife friendly.


Nestboxes for garden birds

As well as planting suitable trees and shrubs for nesting birds, you can provide some species with a safe and secure place to nest with a nestbox. See here for details on the different types of nestboxes, how/where/when to put them up, and instructions to help you make your own nestbox too.

Fledglings and their Parents

Seeing the first juvenile birds, just out of their nests, is one of the birding highlights of the summer months. In some cases it’s obvious what species a fledgling belongs to, but others can be more tricky. See here for some help identifying juvenile birds of different species that you might find in your garden over the summer.

Irish Garden Bird Survey

Ireland’s biggest bird survey is open to everyone and a great way to learn about the birds in your garden. Taking part is easy and provides us with really important data on how our garden bird populations are doing from year to year.

Get involved in the survey this winter

Some Garden Favourites



Present in almost every Irish garden and easily recognizable with their bright orange-red breast and often cheeky behaviour.


Blue Tit

Always busy around the garden, the Blue Tit is a colourful, noisy, active little bird, commonly seen in gardens, especially on peanut and seed feeders. They will also happily use nestboxes.



Although always a little shy, the Blackbird is the commonest and most widespread member of the thrush family In Ireland.


Great Tit

The largest of the tit family. Striking black head with large white cheek patches and black band running down the centre of a bright yellow breast.

Read our latest Garden Birds news

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BirdWatch Ireland Shop

Visit our shop to for all of your bird care needs, including feeders, birdfood and nestboxes, as well as a wide variety of books, binoculars and telescopes, and a range of gift items! By purchasing from our shop you’re helping support and fund our vital conservation work across the country.

Visit our shop