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Supporting sustainable land use and production


Agriculture Policy

We work to shape national and EU agriculture policies to protect and restore farmland bird populations.


Agriculture and Climate Change


We all need to eat. Food production is critical and agriculture is a significant sector in Ireland and in particular for rural communities. How and what we farm makes a difference to wild birds, their habitats, other biodiversity, water quality and climate change. We support agriculture policies which support farmers to farm in line with ecological boundaries and especially High Nature Value farming.


Agriculture Policy

We work to shape national and EU agriculture policies to protect and restore farmland bird populations.

Agriculture and Climate Change

Agriculture in Ireland accounts for 34% of Ireland’s overall greenhouse gas emissions. Meeting our international climate commitments and mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change will require fundamental changes to how we farm. Our farmers and farmland biodiversity are part of the solution.

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Heritage Bill

Fighting for the protection of important bird nesting habitats at sensitive times of the year. BirdWatch Ireland were part of a coalition of environmental groups which opposed the Wildlife Act which sought to allow for the burning of vegetation in March and the cutting of hedgerows in August.

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Click on the photos below to learn more about some of our vulnerable farmland birds