BirdWatch Ireland expresses serious concerns over risks to wild birds and biodiversity from new Programme for Government AdvocacyAgricultureFair SeasForestrySeabirdsUncategorized BirdWatch Ireland expresses serious concerns over risks to wild birds and biodiversity from new Programme for Government
NACES Marine Protected Area gets full protection AdvocacyMarine Blog NACES Marine Protected Area gets full protection
Nature Restoration Law lives to fight another day Uncategorized Nature Restoration Law lives to fight another day
Irish forestry programme in breach of EU State Aid conditions and EU environmental law AdvocacyAgricultureBoCCICurlewForestryUncategorized Irish forestry programme in breach of EU State Aid conditions and EU environmental law
Nearly half of all bird species in decline globally but 63% of Ireland’s bird species declining Uncategorized Nearly half of all bird species in decline globally but 63% of Ireland’s bird species declining
Grave Threat to Irish Seabird Colonies from Avian Influenza AdvocacyAvian InfluenzaBird FluMarine BlogSeabirdsSpecies Conservation and Land ManagementSurveys and Monitoring Grave Threat to Irish Seabird Colonies from Avian Influenza
BirdWatch Ireland warn Ministers that cuts in winter stubble could hammer farmland bird populations AdvocacyAgricultureBirds of PreySkylarkYellowhammer BirdWatch Ireland warn Ministers that cuts in winter stubble could hammer farmland bird populations
Irish government must stop allowing removal of hedgerows on farmland AdvocacyAgricultureBarn OwlYellowhammer Irish government must stop allowing removal of hedgerows on farmland
First in World: New law to make nature restoration legally binding in Ireland AdvocacyUncategorized First in World: New law to make nature restoration legally binding in Ireland