BirdWatch Ireland Launches New Podcast Garden BirdsHedgerowsHen HarrierIrish Garden Bird SurveyNewsProjectReservesSeabirdsShopSkylarkSpeciesStarlingSwiftWaterbirdsWetlands BirdWatch Ireland Launches New Podcast
Whooper Swan numbers in Ireland increase in new census results I-WeBSNewsSurveysSurveys and MonitoringSwans & GeeseWaterbirdsWetlands Whooper Swan numbers in Ireland increase in new census results
All your birds coming home to roost: an overview of roosting waterbirds in Dublin Bay Dublin Bay Birds ProjectSurveys and MonitoringWaterbirdsWetlands All your birds coming home to roost: an overview of roosting waterbirds in Dublin Bay
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Ireland votes to ban the use of toxic lead ammunition at wetlands AdvocacyBirds of PreyWaterbirdsWetlands Ireland votes to ban the use of toxic lead ammunition at wetlands
Planned airport in Lisbon estuary a threat to migratory waterbirds of Irish concern InternationalMigrationWaterbirds Planned airport in Lisbon estuary a threat to migratory waterbirds of Irish concern
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Starting 2020 with a (literal) BANG!! Catching and colour-ringing waders in Dublin Bay Colour ringingDublin Bay Birds ProjectWaterbirds Starting 2020 with a (literal) BANG!! Catching and colour-ringing waders in Dublin Bay
Geese and Swans return to Ireland for the winter I-WeBSMigrationNewsSurveys and MonitoringSwans & GeeseWaterbirds Geese and Swans return to Ireland for the winter