Will there be Space for Nature in the next CAP? AgriculturePolicy and AdvocacyUncategorized Will there be Space for Nature in the next CAP?
BirdWatch Ireland supports Environmental Pillar withdrawal from Agrifood strategy committee Uncategorized BirdWatch Ireland supports Environmental Pillar withdrawal from Agrifood strategy committee
New report highlights state failure to save biodiversity Policy and AdvocacySpecies Conservation and Land Management New report highlights state failure to save biodiversity
Proposed changes to Climate Bill are good for climate and nature Advocacy Proposed changes to Climate Bill are good for climate and nature
BirdWatch Ireland calls on MEPs to Reject the CAP Proposals at Friday Vote in European Parliament AdvocacyAgricultureNews BirdWatch Ireland calls on MEPs to Reject the CAP Proposals at Friday Vote in European Parliament
Ireland votes to ban the use of toxic lead ammunition at wetlands AdvocacyBirds of PreyWaterbirdsWetlands Ireland votes to ban the use of toxic lead ammunition at wetlands
The draft Forestry Bill and public participation in decision making AgricultureBarn OwlCurlewForestryHen HarrierPolicy and AdvocacySkylark The draft Forestry Bill and public participation in decision making
Government urged to ringfence funding for biodiversity in EU finance talks Policy and Advocacy Government urged to ringfence funding for biodiversity in EU finance talks
Congratulations to new Ministers with responsibility for biodiversity Policy and Advocacy Congratulations to new Ministers with responsibility for biodiversity
The Programme for Government: multiple mentions of biodiversity but not the needed emergency response AgriculturePolicy and Advocacy The Programme for Government: multiple mentions of biodiversity but not the needed emergency response